Short Cases studies-Participation as Fieldwork (Practitioner in SWOP)

The case studies of a Social Welfare department student Participation as Fieldwork to make a field work report is really helpful for not only the Dhaka University (D.U) students but also all who study in Social Welfare department.
Short Case-1 
Case Name: Banesa Khatun 
Sponsored ID No: 2377
1. Logical Basis of the Case Selection:  
Banesa Khatun is the patient of (SWOP) Social Welfare Outreach Project. Now she is taking treatment under (BSMMU)/ PG Hospital, when I went to SWOP as field worker on 03/02/09. I met Banesa. From her, I came to know that she has been suffering from chronic Hepatitis B (wild type) Since 2007. I am a field worker of (SWOP). So I decide, I take her as a short case.
2. Client’s Identification:
Name of the Client          : Banesa Khatun
Age                                 : 14 years
Sex                                 : Female
Education                       : Class-VII
Religion                          : Islam
Family member               : 4

3. Description of other’s family member:
Abdul Barik
40 years
Mst. Rehana Khatun
34 years
11 years
ADP: Tarash, Sirajgonj
Type of House: Tenshade (Wood)
Family Structure: Nuclear Family

4. Physical Condition:
Weight                  : 35 Kg
Height                   : 5'
Blood Group         : A+
Health                   : Medium
Skin Color             : Black
Types of Disease   : Chironic Hepatitis B (Wild Type)

5. Economic Condition:
The economic condition of her family is not good. Her father is a farmer and he is the only earning member of his family. His monthly income is 1500 Tk. So they lead a miserable life (Poverty).

6. Social Situation:
They have a good relationship with their neighbors and other’s relatives. At the time of any situation they come beside than and share their problem and support. So, I knew from her that their social relationship is very strong.

7. Mental Condition:
Banesa has been suffering from chronic. Hepatitis B (wild type) for a long time. So she feels anxiety of herself.

8. Recreational effects:
  • Watching TV
  • To embroider quilt
  • To read Novels, various (Writer)
9. Diagnosis:
i. Physical Problems:
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Lack of interest for food.
  • Asthma.
  • Nausea
ii. Family Problems:
  • Lack of proper treatment
  • Uncomfortable family environment
iii. Economic Problems:
They cannot continue proper treatment her for lack of money. They also face economical problems.
iv. Mental Problems:
  • Anxiety
  • mental depressed
  • Frustration and stress for long time diseases.
10. Treatment Plan:
I try her to mental support. I suggest her to take medicine continuously and follow doctor’s advice and rules. I also tell her to continue her study and join any vocational training like sewing. I advise to keep patient and maintain her treatment.

11. Follow-up:
1st follow-up: I met her first time at (SWOP) on the 3 February 09. At that time I start psycho-social study about her. Physical as well as mental conditions.
2nd follow-up: I met with her 2nd time on 18.05.09. She has come to SWOP for follow-up treatment. I can know that Health care officer took her to the hospital of Islamia diagnostic hospital at Samoly and doctor test her blood. She tells me, now she better feel then ago.

12. Evaluation:
As I am a field worker student (SWOP) I try to psycho-social study about her for a short time. Her disease is long time during. It is not totally curable.

Short Case-
Case Name: Shapla Parvin 
Sponsored ID No: 2209

1. Logical Basis of the Case Selection (Rationale of taking the case):  
Shapla Parvin is the follow-up patient of social welfare outreach project (SWOP). She has been suffering from Hepatitis B- Jaundice since two years ago. Now she is taking treatment under Dr. Mamun-Al-Mhatab (Kidney Specialist) Lab aid Hospital, Dhanmondi-4. I met her on 15.05.09. I came to know from her diseases. I think she feel suffering in a mental and physical problem. So I am as a field work trainer, I took her as a short case on 15.05.09.

2. Demographic Features:
Name of the Client     :           Shapla Parvin
Age                             :           16 years
Sex                              :           Female
Educational Status      :           Intermediate 2nd year
Religions                     :           Islam
3. Clients Family Information:
Md. Nurul Islam
60 years
Farmer (VIII)
Mst. Joygun Begum
45 years
Housewife (V)
Sultan Mamud
32 years
23 years
Teacher (M)
Abdus Satter
21 years
Unemployment H.S.C
Robiul Karim
19 years
Student (IX)
ADP: Tarash, Sirajgonj
Family Structure: Nuclear Family
Condition of house: Tinshed (Brick)

4. Physical Condition:
Weight                                       :       37 Kg
Height                                        :        5’-1"
Body structure                           :        Thin, medium
Skin Color                                  :        White
Types of diseases                       :        Chronic Hepatitis B-Jundice and Kidney effect.
5. Family Situation:
Shapla lives with her father, mother and brothers in nuclear family. Shapla has four brothers. Her father is a farmer. So the family condition is not so good.

6. Economic Condition:
Shapla’s father is a farmer. His monthly income is 3000 Tk. Her elder two brothers are employed. So their economic condition is not very bad.

7. Mental state:
For her long term diseases. Shapla feels anxiety. She can’t concentrate her study. So she always worrys her study.

8. Social Condition:
They have a good relation with their neighbors and relatives. Their, family is an enlighten one in the village.

9. Diagnosis:
The problems that are clearly identified during socio-economic study of the client named Shapla Parvin are the following–
i. Treatment Oriented Problems:
The adequate treatment of his diseases is not possible in his home district. So she has to come and stay in Dhaka. She would not be cure totally.
ii. Physical Problems:
a)      Her appetite is reduce.
b)      She always feels weak.
c)      Her eyes is always yellow.
iii. Family Problems:
Most of time her mother remain alone. She is also keep silent. She is feel mental deprivation for her.
iv. Economic Problems:
Her family had to spend much money for her treatment cost.

10. Treatment Plan:
I strengthen the rapport with my client. So much that I have convinced her saying she would be get relieved soon. I met her many times and talks to her because, I think she would feel refreshed.
I also told my client to follow the consulting doctors advice strictly. I gave her some advice avoid to eat all fast foods and others types outside.
11. Evaluation:
As a trainee social worker. I tried to best to collect as much information as I could by applying all the possible methods of social case work study and tried to give my client a good remedy her problems. I met with her at last 19.05.09. She told me that doctor’s says her. She is going to be well day by day. She also told me that she try to follow my advice and also doctors. Now she feels well.

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